I thought I might break into the regularly-scheduled programming at this site to provide a few updates on what’s going on in my life, vocation, and family. I’ve got a few updates on health, projects, travel, and so on.


Quite a number of people have asked about my health, and especially about the strange and lingering issues with my hands. That situation is largely unchanged. I continue to try various treatments under the guidance of skilled specialists. Each treatment must go on for a while before we learn whether or not it is proving effective, so this becomes a long process of trial and error. To this point we have ruled out quite a lot of possibilities, including most of the really obvious ones and most of the really bad ones, but have still not been able to reach a diagnosis. We press on!

Though I sometimes experience waves of discouragement, on the whole I am doing well spiritually and emotionally. I have cut back the amount of typing I do as much as possible, but at the end of the day, typing is what I do and so I just have to type through the pain.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.