Good morning from Louisville, Kentucky where I’m spending some time with my girls and preparing to speak at Third Avenue Baptist Church (first at a men’s retreat, then at Sunday School and Sunday morning worship).

Two Little Words that Mean So Much

Barnabas Piper focuses on two little words that we could easily miss as we read a familiar passage in the Bible.

Should Women ‘Work at Home’? How to Understand and Apply Titus 2:5

Bill Mounce takes a long and thorough look at Titus 2:5 and the instruction for women to “work at home.” He does a great job of accounting for both the Greek word and the cultural context. He also applies it to the modern world.

‘All You Want to Do Is Worship’: A Student Reflects on 8 Months After Asbury

I enjoyed this account from one of the young people who drove to the Asbury Revival. (Do you even remember the Asbury Revival? Time flies…) “Since last year, I’ve often been asked how all this changed my life. But God is a frustratingly elusive subject to pin down with words. So I won’t describe the Outpouring here. I only want you to imagine

To the full-length post originally published on this site.