Grace and peace to you today, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include the complete New Studies in Dogmatics series—excellent books for anyone who wants to go deeper into key theological topics.

(Yesterday on the blog: Are You a “Yeah, But…” Christian?)

Why I No Longer Support the Death Penalty

When I read (and reviewed) Matthew Martens’ book on the criminal justice system, I was challenged by his explanation of why he no longer supports the death penalty as currently practiced in the United States. In this article he makes a clear and interesting argument for his position. Whether you agree or disagree with him, I think you’ll benefit from it.

Heaven is Coming

Jacob Crouch: “Life is short and heaven is coming. We have 70, or by reason of strength 80 years on this earth, and then we walk into eternity. The question I keep asking myself is, ‘Will I live my life in light of eternity, or will temporal things steal my focus?’”

When A Prisoner Becomes A Preacher: Sample A Free Chapter From ’27 Summers’

As a teenager Ronald Olivier ran wild in the streets of New Orleans, selling drugs, stealing cars, and finally killing

To the full-length post originally published on this site.