If Heman Saw Two Very Different Counselors!

Psalm 88 is known as “the Psalm of the Dark Night of the Soul.” It is the most lament-filled psalm of all the lament psalms.

Imagine if Heman were seen by a counselor, or a soul physician, or a spiritual friend today. How might that person respond to, react to, and interact with Heman—and with Heman’s despairing lament?

Well, recently, I did just that. I imagined two scenarios, two vignettes, two dialogues where two very different “counselors/comforters” “ministered” to Heman.

If Heman Saw a Miserable Counselor.  Imagine with me if Heman in Psalm 88 were to share his soul with a soulless counselor…

If Heman Saw a Comforting Counselor. Imagine with me if Heman in Psalm 88 were to share his soul with a biblical soul physician, with a compassionate soul care giver…

Enjoy Your Free 24-Page PDF Manuscript 

I’ve now combined these two posts into a 24-page PDF, which you can download for free here:

Biblical Counseling and the Dark Night of the Soul: If Heman Saw Two Very Different Counselors!

This manuscript includes 32 discussion and application questions—making it ideal for training and equipping biblical counselors.

It also includes an annotated

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.