Here are two articles and two podcast episodes that are filled with sound counsel:

Manage Your Household Well – “One of the greatest needs wives and children have, and all the more in our relentlessly distracting age, is dad’s attentiveness.”

How Counseling Helps Churches Embrace a Missional Mindset – As much as I personally dislike the word missional, this article makes a great point: “Strong churches are not content to allow those around them to hurt without seeking to compassionately care.”

HOPE + HELP for Self-Focus – Confused about the self-care movement? What is the application of biblical wisdom, and what is a new spin on selfishness? This discussion with Lydia Brownback will help you answer those questions. This is gold.

Don’t Lose Heart: Gospel Hope for the Discouraged Soul – Dave Jenkins talks with Jason Meyer about identifying and rooting out discouragement in our lives.

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