The beginning of a new month is a good time to pause and remember this: That right now, at the very moment, the Lord is reigning from his throne.

I continue to update Kindle deals on a near-daily basis. If you check in just once per day, it’s usually best to do so around 7 AM EST since that is around when I finalize the list for the day. Amazon often puts books on sale for just 24 hours, so you’ll want to keep close tabs.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for November 2023)

The Fights That Get Inside You

Samuel James: “This week Kevin DeYoung published a fine essay which engages generously but critically with Doug Wilson and his particular brand of provocative Reformed theology. I commend the entire piece to you, not just because it is well-written and convincing, but because one of the most important things evangelicals need to remember right now is that many of the either/or dilemmas that are typical of culture war are illusory.”

Hearing the Heart in Bad Theology

This article helpfully pushes counselors (and, by extension, any Christian engaged in counseling another person) to listen to the heart

To the full-length post originally published on this site.