Ho Hum!

Ever feel like that in Church? Well, you’re certainly not the first, and you won’t be the last!

“What makes people respond to preaching that way?”

There are, of course, many reasons, but let’s look at it from the point of view of the pew-sitter. Too often, the preacher gets a bad rap!

What can you do to respond to preaching in a livelier, more productive manner? Let me give you just two suggestions:

Come prepared to learn something from the sermon. Come after having gotten enough rest the night before.

Two simple suggestions, I admit—yet two that can make all the difference in your worship experience.

How should you prepare yourself for preaching?

First, you can read up on the passage beforehand when possible. If a preacher is going through a Bible book, then read ahead to the next set of verses. Write out any questions you may have. Bring them with you and see if the sermon answers them. If not, at a convenient time, ask an elder or the pastor about what you wanted to know. In addition to your Bible, have a pencil (pen) with you to write down such answers and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.