It’s December 21—one of my favorite days of the year since, after today, the days finally begin to length. With the sun rising today at 7:47 AM and setting again at 4:45 PM, I’m more than ready for greater light and longer days!

(Yesterday on the blog: The Collected Best Christian Books of 2023)

Where Is the Source of Your Joy This Christmas?

“Here’s a man, a writer — wise in the eyes of the world —, who looks to the stars as the possible source of his joy — when the wisest of men in the gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth look not to the stars but to the one to whom the star is pointing.” Stephen McAlpine considers a tragic Christmas article.

Good News of Great Joy That Will Malform All the People

S. Mark Hamilton looks at a recent adaptation of a classic Christian hymn and differentiates between two categories of Christian worship music: lyrical chaff and lyrical wheat. It’s a bit of a long article but offers some really helpful thoughts. (Be sure to understand what he means by “wheat” and “chaff” or it won’t make much sense.)

The Icing on the Cake of Pope Francis: The Blessing

To the full-length post originally published on this site.