Buzz Words and Biblical Discernment 

Recently, I was alerted to a public discussion in a Facebook group associated with nouthetic counseling. The thread began when a pastor shared a genuine concern.

“I don’t want to waste time reading or listening to unhelpful material, I’m always asking the question: “Is this an integrationist?”

A nouthetic biblical counseling leader responded twice in the thread. First, he shared,

“The buzz words I listen for these days are ‘holistic’ and ‘clinically-informed biblical counseling.’ I hope we can start a discussion about this on this page soon.”

He developed his thinking further in his second response.

He first noted the re-release of Jay Adams’s work Call to Discernment, and encouraged those in the group to read the book. Good counsel. He also shared that he did not want to tell people what to believe, but wanted to help people to think biblically/discerningly. Again, good counsel.

Then he once again noted his concern about buzz words.

“Please listen for words like clinically informed, and holistic. These words have meanings and implications. I would not use the word holistic to describe my counseling. This is not because I don’t care about the body. I certainly do. The

To the full-length post originally published on this site.