Today’s Kindle deals include the complete NIV Application Commentary series which has many strong volumes. There are a few other books as well.

Hope for the Girl with a Sexual Past

I know this is an area of significant struggle for some. “Like my coworker, I previously believed I could never live a life of purity. It’s a bizarre thought to the mind which has yet to be renewed by Christ. Back then, I could have been named among Gomer and the adulterous woman. (Hosea 1:2-3; John 8:3-11) I was a slave to sin who lacked the desire for freedom. My body and heart were not places of purity, but rather, tools to get what I wanted; to feel loved—even for just a moment.”

The Last Victim of Smallpox

Here’s the story of the final victim of smallpox—hopefully the final one in all of human history!

Make Today Count for the Kingdom (SPONSORED LINK)

You only live once—if then. How do we make the most of life and the time we have? In the midst of our harried modern world, speaker and social critic Os Guinness calls us to consequential living in his new book Carpe Diem Redeemed.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.