If you’re a faithful pastor, you want to see people in your church growing in the knowledge of God (Col. 1:10,28). You also want to see your neighbors come to know God, and your people do too. They sincerely want to know God and make him known (Matt. 28:18–20). 

But even though many Christians at your church genuinely want to make God known, they struggle in evangelism. 

Have you ever wondered why that is? Some of your people want to share the gospel, they just don’t know how. Others may try to share the gospel, but they fear man, fumble over their words, and clam up altogether. Some of your other members might (wrongly) think evangelism is a task for the extroverts or the church staff. 

At worst, if they’re honest some of your people simply don’t desire to share the gospel. Maybe they’ve been too busy with their own lives to think about someone else’s eternal state; maybe they’re embarrassed about God’s justice and goodness in judging sinners. Whatever the case may be, folks in your church are not sharing the gospel for a host of

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.