I’ll get right to it: If the children’s and youth ministries in your church are little more than holding pens or recreation outlets so you can do real gospel work among the adults, then you need to repent. Little ones are just as stained with Adam’s sin as anyone else, and the gospel is their only hope. 

Know Their Need 

Have you ever heard someone say that Jonathan Edwards once called little children “vipers”? Well, that’s not true. He didn’t call them vipers. But he did compare little children to vipers. 

In his 1742 work called Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion in New England, here’s what he wrote: 

. . . that little children have a negative virtue or innocence, in relation to the positive acts and hurtful effects of vice, is no argument that they have not a corrupt nature within them: for let their nature be ever so corrupt, yet surely it is no wonder that they be not guilty of positive wicked action, before they are capable of any moral

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.