The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

Westminster Books has rounded up 13 new and noteworthy books by Lexham Press and is offering them at a discount. Looking at the list, I want to commend Lexham for their great cover designs!

As I do each day, I have collected some articles that I found both interesting and informative. I hope they’ll bless you as they blessed me.

When Cultural Tailwinds Become Cultural Headwinds

Stephen McAlpine considers how Christians need to think and live differently now that cultural tailwinds have become cultural headwinds. “It’s well documented in the West, though perhaps not described in this way, that the Christian faith has enjoyed cultural tailwinds for quite some time. Such a period of time in fact, that the Western church has perhaps normalised what it means to have a slight competitive advantage in the race.”

Talking With Kids About Gender Issues: Give Them Biblical Vocabulary

One thing we need to do as much as ever at a time of cultural change is speak to our children about gender issues. Ellen Mary Dykas guides parents into several important conversations and types of conversation.

Coram Deo Pastors Conference

Coram Deo

To the full-length post originally published on this site.