The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

If you ever find yourself struggling to delight in the Old Testament, Westminster Books has a deal on just the book for you. They have quite a lot of other OT-related material on sale as well.

God & Country: A Review

Mark David Hall reviews a new film. “If there is a central message of God & Country, it is that we should be afraid. Very, very afraid. This feature length film billed as a documentary contends that America’s experiment in constitutional self-government is on the brink of collapse and it is possible, even likely, that the United States will become a fascist theocracy in the near future. The culprit, of course, is ‘white Christian nationalism.’”

Order, Preparation, and the Spirit’s Leading

I really appreciate what Jacob says here about the connection between order, preparation, and the Spirit’s leading.

Coram Deo Pastors Conference

Coram Deo is a Latin phrase meaning “before the face of God.” The phrase is often associated with John Calvin and other Reformers who summoned the Christian to live all of life in God’s presence (Ps. 56:13). More specifically, pastors have been charged in the presence of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.