Having a Meaningful Christmas on a Tight Budget – “The key to celebrating well is to plan early and ignore the world’s take on Christmas. The example we, as parents, set for our children is enormous. Many of my sweetest memories cost nothing.”

4 Members Who Tear Down the Church – “The arm chair critic, the non-attending member, the divisive member, and the busy-body. They all have a common thread: self-centeredness. They’ve missed the very essence of salvation; they’ve failed to love God and love people with every ounce of their being.”

Singleness in Modern Culture – “In a church culture when singleness can be treated like a contagion or ignored altogether, pastors can lend great strength to single men and women simply by engaging them as individuals.”

On Pastors Who Write – Often, I am asked how I find time to write books. My responses is always the same, “It’s part of how God has wired me. I have to write in order to survive. It does so much for my own soul and helps to refine my thinking.” Therefore, I was really encouraged by this short video.

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