Dear Friend,

The fact that you are reading this post is a great encouragement to me. Writing, for me, is a necessity—a means of personal growth and soul survival. It’s part of the way that God has wired me, in order to refine my thinking processes. Therefore, I am continually surprised that other people read my stuff. So, thank you.

Thank you, too, for being part of some of my past writing projects by responding to requests for prayer. So, here I am again…in need of your help. I’m currently writing a biblical theology of disability; that is, a God-centered theology of suffering that is sturdy enough to support the challenges of physical and intellectual disabilities. It’s a book that has been simmering since 2011, when it was first providentially placed in my path by an outspoken advocate of thinking biblically about disability. This new friend boldly asserted that preaching a series on disability, and turning it into a book, was part of God’s will for me. And he has never let up. On the same day a publisher agreed with him, and asked me to submit a proposal. So, as you can see, this is long, long overdue.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.