Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books for young adults as well as some classics.

(Yesterday on the blog: Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God)

Don’t Be Duped

“In any sphere of culture, leaders are trying to sell themselves and their views. In fact, the very reason these leaders often rise to the top is their ability to persuade people of the rightness of their views and decisions. Yet, often they are so charismatic, so persuasive, that we are easily duped by poor reasons leading to flawed conclusions.” Bruce Ashford provides a list to look for.

Some Counsel for Christians Leaving Toxic Church Environments

Lucas O’Neill: “It agonizes me that so many churches with such great resources and strengths go the way of Samson, doing what’s right in their own eyes. In the process, they leave behind heaps of bleeding Christians, leg upon thigh (Judg. 15:8). Recovery for genuine believers who have been damaged by failed churches is a grueling process.”

How the Dumb Design of a WWII Plane Led to the Macintosh

One bad design led to a whole new emphasis on user friendliness. And now it’s difficult to imagine life without it.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.