Today Logos users can vote in the second round of March Matchups competition. You’ll also want to look at this month’s free and nearly-free books as well as the monthly sale.

(Yesterday on the blog: We Who Are So Ordinary)

My Daughter Plays Competitive Club Volleyball

I don’t often link to Twitter posts (though when I do, I always preface it by saying “I don’t often link to Twitter posts.”). But this one is especially good and challenging for parents with athletic children.

Your Ministry Shouldn’t Bother Starting a YouTube or TikTok

There is wisdom here—wisdom about why it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense for your ministry (or church) to invest a lot of effort in YouTube or TikTok.

Does the Doctrine of Limited Atonement Undermine Evangelism?

I don’t think anyone has ever done a better job of answering questions like this than R.C. Sproul.

Sycophants and Liars

This article makes the point that AI is essentially a sycophant and a liar. “While I am concerned about digital technology, its dehumanising effects, and the ways we can embrace our own humanity both with and without certain digital

To the full-length post originally published on this site.