Amazon is having a “Big Spring Sale.” There are tons of products on sale, of course, but my interest is always primarily in books. You’ll find Kindle devices with a moderate discount. And, as you filter for books, you can find a few interesting picks. As for Kindle deals, today you’ll find a key volume in Nick Needham’s outstanding church history series.

Meanwhile, Westminster Books has a sale on a new book by Melissa Kruger called Parenting with Hope.

Being Human on World Down Syndrome Day

This was a fitting reflection for yesterday’s World Down Syndrome Day. “I am concerned that amidst this standard discourse about Down Syndrome, so heavily determined by abortion-related policy, that other more generative lines of inquiry are often precluded. For example, we might ask, if people with Down Syndrome are just as human as you and I, how should we contemplate the mystery of what it means to be a human being?” (See also this video by the child of someone whose blog I often link to.)

Performative Offense

Samuel James considers Coldplay and Taylor Swift and their examples of performative offense. “We live

To the full-length post originally published on this site.