May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Westminster Books has discounted a whole collection of their “new and notable” picks for April. The discounts include commentaries, theological works, along with books for adults and for kids.

Yes, the Kindle deals continue. What a joy to be able to so cost-effectively build a library!

All the Sunrises We Cannot See

This is a lovely reflection from Madelyn. “Maybe this Easter you couldn’t see the sunrise either. Maybe you were tempted to despair rather than praise. Maybe you sat in the pew with an armful of questions and left with no answers. Maybe you couldn’t sing without the knot forming in your throat and the tears threatening your eyes. Maybe you couldn’t make it to the pew at all.”

“I’m a Cultural Christian”, Says Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins is now a self-professing cultural Christian. We didn’t see that one coming, did we? To be clear, there’s a world of difference between being a cultural Christian and being a true Christian. But still…

The Most Wonderful Sports Season of the Year

There are few better

To the full-length post originally published on this site.