My gratitude goes to Redeemer University for sponsoring the blog this week to let you know about a program that equips students to manage kingdom causes with sound business principles. Sponsors help keep this site going and I’m grateful for every one.

There are a few new Kindle deals today. I’ll collect the new batch of monthly deals over the weekend and have it ready to go on Monday.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for May 2024)

The Desegregation of Dallas Theological Seminary

This is quite an interesting look back at the desegregation of Dallas Theological Seminary. It’s amazing to think how recently this happened but a joy to know that it eventually did happen.

12 Things That Happened on the Cross

There is much that happened theologically on the cross or because of the cross. This article explains 12 different things that were accomplished there.

How Can I Be a Christian in My Workplace?

Alex Chediak: “Only Christ can give us the significance that many seek from their work. But is this how we should think of our jobs, as meaningless? Or might the Scriptures give us a richer, more optimistic view of the activities

To the full-length post originally published on this site.