The God of peace be with you, my friends.

Westminster Books is offering $20 off a new book meant to help you better understand Covenant Theology.

Want to Grow in Hospitality? Start with Your Inner Circle

“I’ve always thought of hospitality as opening my home to outsiders. And, of course, hospitality is not less than that . But as I’ve pondered this topic over the past few weeks, it has occurred to me that I I need to start my journey of hospitality with the people who make up my innermost circle. Hospitality to outsiders will be both hollow and shallow if I don’t practice it with my own family first.”

What Happens When the Governing Authorities Are the Wrongdoers?

This is a very good question: What happens when the governing authorities are the ones who have done wrong? “The best available estimate is that 57 percent of wrongful convictions involved some type of government misconduct. Those 1,927 cases involving misconduct resulted in incarceration of men and women for a combined 19,976 years. In biblical terms, the sword of the state was wielded by wrongdoers against the innocent.”

Transgender Meds for

To the full-length post originally published on this site.