Twitter/X Interaction with Dale Johnson 

With my posting responses (such as here) to Heath Lambert’s podcasts about the state of the biblical counseling movement (such as here), it’s not surprising that I’ve had online interactions with other biblical counseling leaders. For instance, ACBC Executive Director, Dale Johnson sent me a public tweet saying, 

“To clarify, you would say you’re not left of Heath or me or others in the movement?”

I appreciate Dale’s forthright question. I’m glad he publicly asked it.

I had several public responses.

I don’t like to use the language of “left” and “right” for the BC world because who defines that? Dale, could you define what you mean by “left”? “No. I would not at all say that I am ‘left’ of Heath, you, or others in the BC movement.” Dale, I would happily have you read any of my books, booklets, articles, blog posts and you and I then engage in any discussion you want about the content of those resources. “Left”? 

I would hope that as biblical counselors we would define “left of” as not developing our theology and methodology of biblical counseling on the Bible.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.