This week the blog is sponsored by TWR, also known as Trans World Radio, and is called to reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced.

Pete and Debbie Lee were living the American dream.

The parents of two children, the Lees lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, and were actively serving in a church they loved. Their 17-year-old IT business had just had its best year – another in a string of best years. There was no reason to think the success wouldn’t continue indefinitely. 

They weren’t preachers or linguists, or medical professionals — the skills one might typically connect with mission work. Yet God called them to leave their home, their church and their city and move overseas with their children where Pete would use his IT skills in missions – specifically with TWR.

“I loved what I did, but once I felt God call me, I just couldn’t imagine being anywhere else,” Pete said.

With its use of mass media, TWR has places for all sorts of missionaries in what

To the full-length post originally published on this site.