Imagine that you ran into a friend and casually asked how they were doing. Imagine that friend gave an honest, one-word answer. Would you be surprised to hear

“busy” or “tired” or “drained” or “overworked”?

I venture to say you would not be surprised to hear any one of those descriptions. Why? Because the pace of life, at least in the Western world, lends itself to these kinds of feelings and experiences. People keep busy. We know this and we do this. So it’s been interesting this year to reflect on the subject of rest in preparation for the 2024 CCEF National Conference. Indeed, one reason we chose this as a conference topic is because in this day and age, rest feels countercultural, counterintuitive even, to how we live. Yet we know rest is good. We know we need it. And so, it’s been helpful to consider, What does the Bible say about rest?

We will center our answer to that question using key passages from Genesis 2, Exodus 31, and Hebrews 3 that will then lead us to words spoken by Jesus in Matthew 11.

We encounter rest early in Genesis. After God finishes his creation, “he

To the full-length post originally published on this site.