Recently, I’ve been writing about the current conflicts in the biblical counseling world. In my posts, I’ve been responding to an ongoing, growing series of posts by the folks at First Baptist Jacksonville.

My responses, for the most part, have remained at the level of theology of biblical counseling.

The Personal Side of Biblical Counseling Conflicts

Today’s post is different. I hope to open a window into the soul of people who are being hurt by all of this—including my own personal pain.

By sharing my personal pain, I am not saying that I am right, and others are wrong. I am not asking you to choose my side because of sympathy for my suffering.

I’ll be focusing on the hurt experienced by those being called “so-called biblical counselors,” “zombie-infected biblical counselors,” “neo-integrationists,” “passive-aggressive” (my favorite!), “unfaithful biblical counselors, “compromised priests,” etc.

I know that those making these accusations also say they have suffered personal pain in all of this—several have told me so. They are free to tell their story. I am not free to tell their story.

I am free to tell my story—carefully, as confidentially as possible.

I am less free to tell the story of others who

To the full-length post originally published on this site.