This giveaway is sponsored by TWR, also known as Trans World Radio, whose mission is to reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced.

TWR is looking for engineering, IT, maintenance and finance specialists to help us tell the story to God’s glory. Explore these and other opportunities here

TWR is offering a bundle of inspiring books, including works by New York Times bestselling authors Timothy Keller and Max Lucado.

If you are the winner, you will receive the following: 

Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I? by Timothy Keller. In what became his final book, the late Timothy Keller shows readers how to forgive and why forgiving is so important.   Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine, by Max Lucado. Dive deeper into what it means to be changed by grace and how it has the power to radically rewire you. The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent, by Erwin Lutzer with Steve Miller. Erwin Lutzer addresses the challenges and opportunities presented to Christians by the rapid growth of Islam in the West.  God’s Hostage, by Andrew Brunson with Craig Borlase. Brunson,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.