This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers.

Parents have a biblical responsibility to protect their children not only from physical harm but also from spiritual harm. It is entirely appropriate and right for a parent to wrestle with whether they want to allow their child to continue to have a friendship with a particular child or to attend a particular school. A parent should not feel shame about wrestling with these types of situations. Their God-given responsibility is to raise their child in the “training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). Parents, don’t shy away from this responsibility because you are worried that someone might not like you or your children. What does it look like to raise your child in the “training and instruction of the Lord”? I believe Deuteronomy 6 provides a tremendous guide for us. 

If God’s people are going to keep God’s commands, then our lives must be marked by meditation on the Word of the Lord. If our hearts want to grow in love with the Lord, then we must know and obey His Word. If we desire our children to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.