The God of peace be with you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: It’s Easier to Tear Down than Build Up)

Were the Earliest Christians Illiterate?

We often hear that the earliest Christians were illiterate. If that’s the case, how did they read, lean, value, and transmit the Scriptures? Michael Kruger reflects in this article.

Our New Religion Isn’t Enough

I am not familiar with this author and don’t think she’s a Christian, but was fascinated by her take on the rise of so many “new religions.” “Where is God, in all this? Who is God? Some say therapy culture has no God. I think, more accurately, it’s us. God is who all this revolves around. All these apps and platforms serve us.”

Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist?

“The question of evil and suffering is never a theoretical one. We all experience real and deep pain and wickedness. However, for the Christian believer (who recognizes there is a God), there are only three logical possibilities for the evil things that happen in this world…”

The Missing Ingredient in Too Many Marriages: Joy

“Like cupcakes that are

To the full-length post originally published on this site.