A Two-Word Philosophy of Life: “Bubbles Up” 

Few people would mistake singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett for a theologian.[1] Yet, like all of us, Jimmy had a philosophy of life.

The “tropical troubadour” died from a rare skin cancer on September 1, 2023. He was 76. Before his passing, Buffett was working on the album, Equal Strain on All Parts, which was released posthumously on November 3, 2023. The album includes the song, Bubbles Up, which contains a compelling two-word summary of Jimmy Buffett’s philosophy of life.

But where does the phrase “bubbles up” come from, and what does it mean?

Buffett wanted to be trained like a Navy Seal. While he wasn’t allowed to do the full training, his connection with a Rear Admiral allowed Jimmy to do part of the training. Seals are trained to find their way to the surface in case of a capsized boat. They’re submerged in the water in the dark to simulate the disorientation of a shipwreck. Just before Buffet was tossed overboard for his training exercise, he asked the Admiral for any advice. The Rear Admiral told him,

“The only advice I’m allowed to give is this. ‘Bubbles up.’ When you’re disoriented, follow the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.