I am grateful to Moody Publishers for sponsoring the blog this week so they could tell you about a timely new book titled Known for Love. In it, Casey Hough provides a biblical and theological framework for thinking through the hard situations we encounter with family and friends. Drawing from a well of faithful biblical scholars, Hough provides insights for everyday Christians living in a sexually broken world.

Westminster Kids Week wraps up with a neat new title from Paul Tautges.

Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and older titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: Making Good Return)

The Lord Sees: Learn to Rest in God’s Justice

Trevin Wax: “The heart’s silent cry, giving rise to tears of anguish no one else sees—the aloneness compounds the heartache. In those moments when you’re wronged, or your name is slandered, or your intentions are questioned . . . In the times when you feel alone or abandoned . . . In the aftermath of saying what’s true and paying a price, when you’ve experienced the deep wounds of injustice or betrayal . . . the Lord sees.”

3 Reasons Why Your Small Group Is Not a

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.