If you’re a Logos user, be sure to take a look at this month’s free and almost free books. Also, lots of great resources from Zondervan are on sale (which includes the excellent Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Collection). It’s also worth taking a look at the monthly sales page.

(Yesterday on the blog: Let’s Hear It For the Second Parents)

The Pursuit of (Which) Happiness?

Andrew Wilson writes about the many different forms of happiness. “The question of which kind of happiness we’re looking for comes to us all the time: in the daily trade-offs between time and money; in the soul-searching of a bored married man whose younger coworker is showing an interest in him; in the ordinary budgeting issues of spending and saving, buying now and paying later; in the choice between taking a more stimulating job or having more time with the children; in the amount of time we spend on a screen.”

Don’t Hastily Choose Elders

Mitch Chase warns against the folly of choosing elders hastily. “A patient and thorough examination of elder candidates will mean that certain people (whom you initially thought would qualify) will be excluded, while others (whom you might not have considered at first) will be an

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.