This week the blog is sponsored by Heritage College & Seminary and the post is written by Dr. Stephen Yuille, Vice President of Academics and Academic Dean of the College.

It’s my joy and privilege to serve at Heritage College & Seminary in Canada. In my role, I get asked lots of questions—inside and outside the classroom. Among them are some good ones and not so good ones, some interesting ones and not so interesting ones. But recently I was asked a question that gave me pause. What is your number one desire for students at Heritage? I quickly said something about cultivating an unshakeable conviction concerning the authority of Scripture, the sufficiency of Christ, and the centrality of the gospel, and followed it up with some remark about training men and women for life and ministry. But I wasn’t very satisfied with my answer, and I’ve since given it some thought. Here’s where I’ve landed: My number one desire for students at Heritage is that they might know the blessed God. That’s it.

We live in a world that’s unable to meet our deepest longing. It offers innumerable gizmos and gadgets and other mind-numbing distractions. It offers

To the full-length post originally published on this site.