Questions Surrounding Mental Illness and Mental Health 

Mental illness? Mental health? Some Christians debate even the reality of these concepts. Other Christians sometimes accept these concepts without thinking through a Christian worldview. So many questions…

How do we cultivate a gospel-centered culture of grace in our churches as we respond to sufferers struggling with deep, ongoing emotional distress? How do we become redemptive communities engaging in gospel-centered relationships with people diagnosed with mental illness—whether we “buy into” that term or not? How do we respond to a Christian world that has, perhaps, accepted a definition of mental illness that is not always comprehensively biblical or fully compassionate? How do we speak wisely about mental illness and the complex interaction of the brain/body/mind/heart/soul? How do we address root causes of life struggles (heart) without being heard to say that we are ignoring the whole person or lacking empathy for social factors (nurture) and physiological issues (nature)?

Questions like these, and scores more, are why we need Christian resources on mental health and mental illness. Today, I offer you links and summary descriptions of over two dozen resources on Christianity, Mental Health, and Mental Illness.

As with any resource, every

To the full-length post originally published on this site.