It is a conversation I had with my son-in-law while he was pursuing my daughter and expressing his interest in marrying her. It is a conversation I will need to have with a second son-in-law if the day comes when he expresses his interest in marrying my other daughter. It is a conversation about the family name.

The conversation goes something like this: I believe that our family name has come to mean something. We have worked hard within the church and the local community to make the Challies name stand for something. It has a reputation. And by God’s grace, I think it is a good reputation, a reputation for faith and love and integrity. Our neighbors and fellow church members know the name and know what it entails. And by becoming part of this family, you gain the ability to enhance or diminish that reputation. I want you to take that seriously.

The fact is, a good family name is both a blessing and a responsibility. It is something that is entrusted to us. Those who take on the name or otherwise become closely associated with it, gain the duty of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.