My Latest Book! 

My latest book is now available via the Association of Biblical Counselors.

Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words.  

Counsel the Word 

This is the first book/booklet in a series of books call Biblical Word Studies for Biblical Counselors. These words studies are not “heady academic tomes.” These brief booklets with brief chapters are user-friendly studies of vital words that equip us in the personal ministry of the Word.

Practical Ministry Application

Each chapter contains ministry application questions that I call Homework for Biblical Counselors.

We typically think of homework for the counselee. But in Counsel the Word, you—the counselor—get to enjoy homework assignments at the end of each short chapter.

“Enjoy homework?”


You’ll have the joy of putting these biblical word studies into practice in your biblical counseling ministry. For example, in Book 1, Parakaleo and Noutheteo, you’ll enjoy 55 application questions (homework assignments). That’s just about one practical ministry or personal life application per page.

My hope is that by the time you have completed reading and applying this booklet, you, too, will say,

“I love biblical words. I love learning and applying biblical words for biblical counseling.”

To the full-length post originally published on this site.