May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent picks from The Good Book Co. Among them are Alistair Begg’s Christian Manifesto and both volumes of Tim Keller’s Romans for You. You can’t go wrong!

Book Brief: The Wager by David Grann narrates one of history’s most famous (or perhaps infamous) shipwreck and castaway stories. It’s a fascinating bit of history and Grann tells it well. I read it over the course of a weekend and enjoyed every page. It’s perfect summer reading.

(Yesterday on the blog: Protecting the Family Name)

Does Christian Sex Need Rescuing?

Writing for TGC Australia, Izaac Cowling has a helpful review of Sheila Wray Gregoire’s influential The Great Sex Rescue. “The Great Sex Rescue is, at heart, a protest book: ‘What if our evangelical ‘treatments’ for sex issues make things worse?’. It’s a response to perceived flaws in teaching about sex by popular Christian books and arising from the purity culture of nineties American evangelicalism.” But it has some significant flaws.

15 Resolves for Maintaining Spiritual Balance in Severe Interpersonal Conflicts

Imagine how we, our families,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.