Allow Me to Introduce You to Two Friends: Parakaleo and Noutheteo  

In April of 2024, the Association of Biblical Counselors published my latest book: 

Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words 

I selected the parakaleo/paraklesis/parakletos word family because of the sheer frequency of their usage in the New Testament. The parakaleo word group is used 143 times in the New Testament.

Why the noutheteo/nouthesia word family? First, because the apostle Paul uses this word a number of times (11 times) for his ministry and for the mutual ministry of believers. Second, because Jay Adams launched the modern nouthetic counseling movement based upon this word group.

Of these two words, the parakaleo word group is predominant in the New Testament. 

An Exercise in Emphasis: Parakaletic Biblical Counseling 

Today’s post is more of an exercise in emphasis. Here’s what I’m suggesting:

Given the prevalence, priority, and purpose of parakaleo in the New Testament, if we chose one biblical word for counseling, parakaletic would be a comprehensive name for biblical counseling.

Here are a dozen reasons parakaleo/parakaletic is a comprehensive, compassionate summary of biblical counseling.

Reason #1: The Comprehensiveness of Parakaleo/Paraklasis/Parakletos 

In Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words, I outlined

To the full-length post originally published on this site.