So many minds get stuck in unproductive places. They get into a mental rut and can’t escape. It could be a past regret that is replayed and replayed, or a fear about the future. Or it could be another person’s comment that you take personally, or doubts about your salvation, which means that you are certain you cannot possibly be saved by Jesus Christ. It could be the idea that burners are left on in your house, or you have inadvertently hit someone with your car and that anonymous person is dying on the side of the road. Then the stuck thought releases its grip, followed by a brief lull before it happens again. A stuck mind is a common and difficult thing. You probably recognize obsessive-compulsive disorder in these examples, but you can find traces of it in us all.

The thoughts, of course, are always unpleasant, if not painful. I have yet to know someone who got stuck on a pleasant truth in Scripture that simply would not let go. So we look for strategies that might help. Most are ineffective. At its extremes, alcohol, drugs, or self-inflicted harm are the only ways to dislodge it.

Now let

To the full-length post originally published on this site.