Sometimes life gets hard. We feel despondent in our suffering, uncertain of how and when it will end. It can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and that restoration and redemption are impossible. We see no silver lining, and no “think positive” mindset can soften the pain and confusion.

A few weeks ago, I was in one of those dark times, confronted by a situation that felt hopelessly broken. As I was sitting at my desk ruminating, something caught my eye. On my kitchen table were two small yellow containers of rice porridge—the microwavable kind you buy at Costco. A friend gave them to me a few days earlier, knowing I was struggling and had lost my appetite. This was her way of wanting to make sure I was at least eating something. It was a glimmer of grace.

There have been other glimmers. I remember a season when grief felt unrelenting—days, weeks, and months. I wondered how long it would last and if I’d ever feel happy and whole again. I wanted God to heal me, to take away the pain, but he seemed silent when I prayed to him. Then, one day,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.