The Big Idea 

There are 4 generations of biblical counselors. Are you a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or “prequel” generation biblical counselor?

3 Generations and Before 

What do Star Wars, Star Trek, and Biblical Counseling have in common?

They each have 3 generations.

They also each have predecessors. We might say they each have a “prequel.”

3 Generations of Star Wars and Before  1st Generation: The 3 original Star War movies from the 1970s and 1980s. 2nd Generation: The 6 subsequent Star War movies—3 prequels and 3 sequels. 3rd Generation: The ever-growing myriad of movies, TV shows, comics, and books that exist today. Prequel/Before/Historical Predecessors: George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars universe, has spoken many times about various sci-fi predecessors who influenced him, such as the Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials. 3 Generations of Star Trek and Before  1st Generation: The classic Star Trek TOS (The Original Series) from the 1960s. 2nd Generation: Star Trek TNG (The Next Generation) from the 1980s and 1990s. 3rd Generation: The ever-growing myriad of movies, TV shows, comics, and books that exist today. Prequel/Before/Historical Predecessors: Gene Roddenberry,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.