Conversation Stoppers 

Today’s post originated as a Twitter/X thread. The focus:

Many on social media, blogs, and podcasts claim to want to start a conversation.

In reality, they want to start a monologue.

They use a number of conversations stoppers to shame others into shutting up.

Twitter/X Thread 

A Thread on 10 Plays in the New “Conversation” Playbook: Or,

“How to Pretend to Invite Public Conversation and Dialogue, When You Really Only Want a Monologue—To Hear Yourself Talk, and Have Everyone Else Agree with You.”

Preamble: Is this a “sub-tweet”? Is this addressing something specific? No, it’s not sub-tweeting or addressing any one specific current/recent conversation. It is addressing 100s of current/recent public interactions that don’t actually invite healthy conversations at all.

Context: I started thinking about this when I stumbled upon a feisty Twitter/X interaction between Seth Dillon and Tucker Carlson, where Seth said:

“This is the new playbook for many on the right. They make provocative statements in hopes of generating objections, and then they cite those objections as proof that no one is allowed to have the conversation. I guess they think you’re too stupid to see that the objections are themselves part of the conversation.”

Disclaimer: My

To the full-length post originally published on this site.