One of the simplest of all skills has evaded me for much of my adult life. One of those skills that most babies master in their earliest days seems to have mostly passed me by. One of the most basic of all talents has become my greatest battle.

I’m referring, of course, to sleep. Though I’m really good at falling asleep, I’m extremely poor at staying asleep. And, as I’m sure you’d agree, the staying is every bit as important as the falling! When night comes and bedtime draws near, I always face it with a mix of eagerness and dread—eagerness to get some rest but dread of waking up before I get enough rest. More often than not, I sleep for a time, then wake up in the wee hours—too tired to feel rested but too rested to fall back asleep. I often begin a new day discouraged, with my mind hazy and my brain sluggish. It’s a battle that has gone on for decades and one that is getting no better as I age. In fact, it could actually be getting worse.

I’ve long observed that insomnia is one of those

To the full-length post originally published on this site.