Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent titles. Among them are Kevin DeYoung’s Crazy Busy, David Mathis’ Workers for Your Joy, and John Piper’s Rethinking Retirement.

Book Brief. In Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier turns from examining the transgender craze among young girls (see Irreversible Damage) to the massive over-diagnosis of mental illness and remedy of therapy among the younger generation. If you’ve wondered why younger people today seem to struggle to cope with life, this book explains. It is strong in cultural observation but prone to overstatement and lacking in biblical worldview.

Be Vexed by the Olympics Opening Ceremony

Stephen McAlpine thinks Christians should be vexed by last week’s now-infamous opening ceremony. “I’ve read lots of Christians say ‘Oh it’s no biggie’, as if somehow those Christians who are vexed by it are somehow less mature, less hip and urban as Christians. Away with that idea. Actually this is a biggie.”

Confessions of a Chronic Yeller

“I didn’t set out to be a yeller. There were many aspects of my childhood I vowed not to repeat in my own family, but yelling

To the full-length post originally published on this site.