The God of peace be with you today.

As always, it’s a good idea to check for new Kindle deals on a daily basis since many of them last for just 24 or 48 hours.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book titled In His Hands that collects a particular kind of prayer. And don’t forget that you can also get a deep discount on Christopher Ash’s commentary on the Psalms.

How Christians Can Fight the War on Lies

Joe Carter has an extended look at how Christians can fight the war on lies. “This post-truth age poses profound challenges for Jesus followers. How does the church proclaim the gospel in a world where all truth claims are viewed with suspicion? How do we engage in meaningful dialogue when emotional resonance often trumps logical argument? And perhaps most critically, how do we maintain the integrity of our witness when the very concept of objective truth is under assault?”

​What Protestants Can Learn From Catholics

Carl Trueman offers some interesting thoughts here. “We Protestants default far too quickly to a spiritualized understanding of Christ’s prayer that his people should

To the full-length post originally published on this site.