The Big Idea

Proverbs teaches us not only wisdom for living, but also wisdom from living.

Wisdom from King Solomon, Tremper Longman, and David Powlison

I’m continuing my cover-to-cover, Genesis-to-Revelation study of the Bible’s teaching on Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls: Biblical Counseling, Traumatic Suffering, and Embodied-Souls. So far, I’ve studied from Genesis to Proverbs. I have over 1,000 pages of single-spaced typed notes.

As I’ve studied Proverbs, I’ve been fascinated by the “sources of wisdom” that Solomon uses. I wanted to learn more about wisdom literature, so I’ve been reading Tremper Longman’s book, The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel. I’ve also been re-reading David Powlison’s writings on the Bible as our lens for assessing all information.

Here are some of my ponderings.

Sources of Knowledge for Biblical Counseling 

In our biblical counseling discussions on the sufficiency of Scripture and extra-biblical sources, we all agree on the ultimate source of knowing: Scripture/Revelation. God’s all-sufficient, authoritative Word is our lens, grid, eyes for assessing all other sources of knowledge.

In these discussions, we often discuss several categories of extra-biblical knowledge, such as:

Common grace sources of knowledge. General revelation as a source of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.