The Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include some noteworthy books and commentaries.

Westminster Books is featuring When Christians Disagree, an interesting and applicable book about the long feud between two of our favorite Puritans.

The Exultant Nature of Today’s Abortion Advocacy

Carl Trueman holds nothing back here. “Nothing is sacred but the godlike power of the autonomous self-creator, defined by the repudiation of whatever previous generations have considered sacrosanct. And the slaying of a human being is surely the most dramatic demonstration of such. That is why abortion is now not merely regarded as a necessary evil but as something exhilarating, something to be proud of and rejoice over.”

The God of Small Things

Aren’t you thankful that God cares not only about the big things but also the small things? “Just a few weeks ago, I realised I had to submit an important document for a fast approaching deadline. Much to my horror, I had no clue where I had put away that indispensable piece of paper. Panic mode set in.”

Six Words of Advice for Young Seminarians

This may be

To the full-length post originally published on this site.