Dear Friend:

I’m so excited to let you know about an exciting video resource I have put together in advance of my book release for Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build Their Identity in Christ.

roll please…


What is it? 26 interviews with leading pastors, ministry leaders, and counselors (all parents!) from across the country talking about their parenting experiences!

Each interview is 10-15 minutes in length and includes vulnerable and honest conversations about parenting our kids into the truth about who God is and who they are.

Guests include: Darby Strickland, Juli Slattery, Brad Hambrick, Bailey T. Hurley, Eliza Huie, Christine Chappell, Courtney Reissig, Curtis Solomon, Shannon McCoy and many more…

Who is it for? Anyone who loves and wants to grow in their discipleship of the next generation! Parents, single parents, soon-to-be parents, youth workers, Children’s ministry staff, Christian school educators, and more…

When and where? It’s all virtual! You just have to sign up and videos will begin releasing on September 1, 2024 through September 13, 2024. Access to the videos will remain open until the end of October.  Participants will get an email

To the full-length post originally published on this site.