Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include Tom Schreiner’s Spiritual Gifts, a helpful and charitable defense of a cessationist position on the gifts of the Spirit. Additionally, you’ll find several excellent books on marriage including a personal favorite, Married for God. Also, just a reminder that I have a new Kindle + Book deals Twitter account @challiesdeals.

7 Things That Make the Gospel of John Unique

Michael Kruger considers some of the things that make the Gospel of John unique and uniquely enjoyable.

Don’t Wait Until You Feel Like It

Barbara offers a helpful instruction for times you don’t feel like doing what you know you should do. “I’d like to suggest that we wouldn’t be faking it. Instead, by doing what we ought to do even when we don’t feel like it, we’d be battling our fleshly nature, what the Bible calls our ‘old man.’”

Faithful Presence After the Evangelical Fracturing

This is quite an interesting piece from Jake Meador in which he draws some comparisons between Tim Keller’s views and Doug Wilson’s.

Pastor, Your Ministry Is a Noble Task

“When Paul writes to encourage young

To the full-length post originally published on this site.