Grace and peace to you, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include Voddie Baucham’s It’s Not Like Being Black, which has only been out for a few weeks. You’ll also find several books by Megan Hill such as Sighing on Sunday. On the general market side, The Only Plane in the Sky is probably the most interesting book on 9/11 you’ll ever read.

(Yesterday on the blog: I Used To Dream Big Dreams)

Keith Green, Bill Hybels, and the Loss of Steeples and Bells

This is the only article I’ve ever read that ties together Keith Green and Bill Hybels. “Green himself was an iconoclast. This is a man, after all, who gave tens of thousands of his albums away for free, and refused to charge for his concerts. He practiced what he preached. Yet let me note an irony about those two lines I just quoted. The iconoclastic rejection and removal of the former was often accompanied by the uncritical adoption of the latter. What do I mean by that?”

Did My Negligence Kill My Baby?

John Piper answers a difficult question from a heartbroken mother. “My expected delivery date

To the full-length post originally published on this site.